Cousin Ella and her at the beach!
Everyone always tells you how much having a baby changes you. Well Yes it does. Can I just say how great it is to love someone so unconditionally and they love you back just the same. I can't even explain the feeling. Things that seemed to be so important to me are not at all a priority anymore. She lights up my world everyday. Having to work has been hard at times but at the same time I get to miss her and she gets to spend time with her grandparents!!I just love her sooooooo much and can't wait to have more. Although WE ARE GOING TO WAIT! =)
Here some fun facts about my baby girl who is almost 5months!
1. She eats 5x/day and takes 5-6 oz when not nursing!
2. She LOVES nursing! She weighs 15Ib 9oz and is 25 1/2 inches long..
3.She has started to like her cereal more
4. Great night sleeper 8-7am!
5. Not a good nap sleeper.. Very much a cat napper! =(
6. Smiles and Laughs all the time.
7. Watches Gizmo all the time.
8. Loves her excersaucer and jumperoo!
9. Loves to go outside!
10. Is very much a schedule baby and does not like to be out of her enviroment. She def wants to sleep in her crib.
11. Can sit up for about 10 sec before falling over!
12 Always has poop explosions.. Guess b/c of the breastmilk..
13. Oh yay dare I say it but spitting up is a ton better and she is off her zantac.
14 Her eyes keep getting bluer and bluer!
15. She makes this poutty lip face all the time.
16. Cant go without her pacifer!
I'm Just so in love with her!! I fell so blessed!